Friday, February 29, 2008

The Week Away From The Kitchen

We've decided that London is the way to go for us; it sadly hasn't worked out here. Of course the day I apply for the visa is when I get a callback about not one but two jobs, although not in my line of work and in Almere which is quite far. Dani also wants to do it, and we have interviews for the visa in two weeks.

I am very excited about London; while part of me is hesitatant to going through the same experience, it should be a more work-friendly city for us. And we can only try. I've already seen so many jobs that I want to apply for. I have always loved London (not just for Pret sandwiches...although it's a significant reason) and I'm going to work so hard to make this happen.

We're moving tomorrow since we found a cheaper place a few weeks ago 10 minutes down the road, sharing with a laidback French guy. It is a nice place, we'll have our own bedrooms and with stairs to a secret rooftop, not that it's that balmy that we'll be hanging out there too long.

Tomorrow is Dani's 30th so I have a surprise planned, can't wait! And on Sunday we are going to Rotterdam, which we can't wait x 2. We've decided to go somewhere everywhere weekend while we're still here (including catching up with the girls here), and also actually get on a bike. It would be The Stupidest Thing Ever to come to live in Holland not ride a bike at least once.


Cooks said...

:-( when will you guys be leaving? sorry that things didn't work out, hope London treats you better (and remember Easyjet does killer deals on tickets back to Amsterdam!!)

Claire said...

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! (I'll keep my eyes peeled for jobs for you)

deepkickgirl said...

a) I'm glad you've finally decided to do the move to London and that you're both going. Good news. I'm sure things will be better there.

b) Happy birthday to Dani!!!

c) I'm worried about the bike thing. Do they have three-wheeled bikes (like my gorgeous beastie) in Amsterdam? Otherwise be very very careful... the two-wheeled ones have a tendancy to throw you face first into the gravel (maybe that's just me...).

Jules said...

Hey hon - I'm sorry to hear that things haven't worked out as planned in the Netherlands, but maybe this is just part of the grand plan - things have a way of working out in the end, and it sounds like you've got a really positive attitude about the London option

Karen said...

It's great that you tried to make the Netherlands work - it's important to know when to move on though. Best of luck in London and before that, at the new apartment.

Mabs said...

Yay, I still get to see you!

Anonymous said...

VERY exciting. when do you get to London, and how long will you stay? I'm planning a trip there in not too long-- to visit my cousin who has a half-English 10 month old, and to log some quality time in the British Library. faut qu'on se voit, chérie!

Jules said...

Thanks so much everyone. It is sad we couldn't make it work, and try we did, but maybe it's meant to be like this. We have a few more weeks here and we're going to pack in the weekends with seeing as much as we can.

I'm excited about the posibilities with London.

Mabs are you travelling around at the moment?

Maitress, je le voudrais bien. Keep in touch with dates.

Mabs said...

Am in Rome at the moment, head to Barcelona tomorrow and then London on Monday :)

iggy said...

Sorry to hear it hasn't exactly worked out how you hoped. I'm sure you'll have lots of new adventures in London though!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear it didn't work out here... hope you have better luck in London, but I'm sure we'll be able to read/hear all about it.